I have 2 sons and they drive me crazy.

My eldest, Basti, is two years old and being a two year old, he has so much energy he puts the energizer bunny to shame. He loves to explore and try out new stuff. He runs around the house unmindful of the danger of falling. He watches his favorite cartoons on DVD so many times, he actually knows them by heart. He raids the refrigerator for chocolates and throws out everything that gets in his way. When I come home from work, he runs to meet me and give me a hug. When he does something wrong, he has this smile that makes you laugh and forget about whatever he did wrong.

My younger son, Paolo, is two months old and being two months old, he cries when he is hungry, cries when his diaper is soiled and cries when he wants to be carried. And being two months old, he sleeps soundly in the daytime and is awake at ungodly hours. Whoever coined the term "witching hour" must've been a parent of a newborn. But when he smiles... he makes you feel that the world is a perfect place.
I have 2 sons and they drive me crazy. But sometimes... I wish they'd never grow up.
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